Is Homeopathy effective for Kidney Stones?
Is Homeopathy Effective for Kidney Stones ? By Rootcure Homeopathy |
Kidneys act as a filter in our body. It flushes out all the Toxins and Harmful substances through the passage of urine. It also secretes a hormone responsible to balance #Blood Pressure.
Whenever any toxic substance or salts or high amount of oxalate is intaken by the person, kidneys cannot filter it and Hence it results in the formation of stones, which are medically called Renal calculi.
#Homeopathy has excellent results in the case of kidney stones. Depending on the size of the stone, medicines have been divided into different forms. o get rid of kidney stones much faster you have to consult with
If the size of Kidney stone is 5mm or less than that, There are Homeopathic medicines which form a coating around the stone and help in its expulsion.
If the stone is bigger than 5-6 mm, there are medicines in Homeopathy which helps in breaking up the stone and helps in its expulsion.
If there is a Tendency for the recurrent formation of Kidney stones, there are excellent #Homeopathic medicines to prevent its recurrence.
Best Homeopathy Doctor in Jaipur-Rootcure Homeopathy |
A Homeopathic Doctor takes your entire Case History with past history, Family history, Present history, depending on this he will prescribe a Homeopathic medicine. This is a Classical method of prescribing. You get the best treatment at the best homeopathy clinic in Jaipur named as Rootcure Homeopathy.
Commonest medicines used in Homeopathy for Kidney stone/renal calculi are:
Berberis Vulgaris, Calcarea carb, Lycopodium, cantharis, Sarsaparilla, Ocimum can, Benzoic acid, Dioscorea, etc
*Always take #Homeopathic Medicines under Guidance of a Registered Homeopath
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