Top 5 Homeopathic Medicine for Hair Loss-Rootcure homeopathy

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicine for Hair loss - Rootcure Homeopathy

Everybody wants to look good, everyone wants to have Healthy, Lustrous and shiny hair. But do we take care of our hair properly? If not, this can lead to hair loss.

Hair loss has become the commonest complaint these days. Whether young or old, Male or Female, it has affected almost each and every one. Everyone looks for the treatment whether it is #homeopathy or allopathy and others. So when it comes to needing a doctor finds the best homeopathic doctor in Jaipur or elsewhere to ensure the best treatment.

Causes for Hair loss

  • Poor nutrition, incorrect diet, junk oily food, irregular time of meals.
  • After any Acute or Chronic Diseases:
  • After Pregnancy
  • Abuse of Chemical shampoo and hair dyes
  • Stress
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Hormonal changes and Medical diseases.
  • Family History and genetic tendency.

Homeopathy and Hair loss

Homeopathy plays a very excellent role in Hair-fall. Depending on the cause of the condition, Homeopathic medicine is prescribed. Constitutional medicine from a registered Homeopathic consultant or you can go for Rootcure Homeopathy where you find a Best female doctor in Jaipur always helps but these are few top ranked Homeopathic medicine prescribed for hair loss.

Phosphorus: this is the best medicine for dandruff with hair fall. Baldness of single spots. Chiefly prescribed in alopecia areata. Hairfall out in bunches or handfuls. It is also a very good medicine prescribed for hairfall in diabetic patients and patients with hormonal disturbance.

Psorinum: Hairfall happening with infection of the scalp. This medicine helps to treat scalp infections such as eczema, psoriasis, and ringworm in the scalp. Specially indicated for Dry, lustreless hair, with glue together or tangle easily.

Thuja: Best indicated for all types of hairloss. Dry hair and genetic pattern make use of this remedy. Thuja is also used locally to promote hair growth.

Acid Phos: indicated in hair fall after an acute illness, prolonged menses, grief and loss of fluids from is chief medicine for thin and premature grey hair.

Lycopodium: It is specially prescribed in Male pattern baldness, for young males who have gastric troubles with early greying of hair and premature baldness. It is also a prominent liver remedy. The desire for sweets is its characteristic symptom.


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