Top Homeopathic medicines for Allergies-RootCure
Top Homeopathic medicines for Allergies-Rootcure What is Allergy?? Allergy also known as Allergic diseases. It is a number of conditions caused by an exaggerated response of the immune system to certain substances. These conditions include allergic rhinitis, urticarial rashes, pollen allergy, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, and asthma. Causes of allergic diseases are found to be Genetic history of similar conditions: it is found that if parents have had an allergic complaint, then there more chances of the child will suffer from similar allergic disease or child will frequently suffer from cold and cough. Chronic stress: Chronic stress can aggravate allergic conditions. Chronic stress is also believed to be a triggering cause for the onset of allergic diseases. Symptoms Red eyes an itchy rash frequent sneezing a runny nose, breathing Difficulty or swelling. Intolerance to certain foods How does homeopathy help? You just have to find...